Starting today, the astudio blog will also discuss houses inspirations from around the world. Starting with this house designed by Elding Oscarson, the little house in Sweden with a facade just 5 meters wide. Condition of old roads and the 0-meter finish line to make a rather special conditions in the design. I think houses in Indonesia are often still vast landed, with distance of about 3 to 5 meters from the street for most residential land.
Yang menarik dari desain rumah oleh ... ini adalah kesan minimalis yang sejati, dimana pintu dan jendela dibuat begitu minim ornamen, bahkan untuk ukuran Eropa. Pintu masuk pada facade sebelah kiri, dengan tempat meletakkan sepeda. Masuk kedalam rumah adalah ruang dapur yang diteruskan dengan ruang makan. Diatas dapur ini ada perpustakaan, yang berada di lantai mezzanine (lantai yang tidak seluruhnya melingkupi luas bangunan). Lebih ke atas akan ditemukan ruang tidur, berhubungan melalui mezzanine ke sebuah kamar mandi, yang berbatasan dengan sebuah balkon di bagian atas dengan atap terbuka. Tampaknya, ide dasar pengolahan ruangnya cukup menarik.
What is interesting from this house design house... This is a true minimalist impression, where the doors and windows were made with no ornamentation, even to the standard of Europe. Facade entrance on the left, with place for bike. Entering into the house there is the kitchen which continues with the dining room. Above the kitchen is a library, which was on the mezzanine. Above it will be found a stair to the bedroom, connected through the mezzanine into a bathroom, which is bordered with a balcony at the top with the roof open. Apparently, the basic idea is quite interesting with its spatial arrangement.
Terpisah dengan massa bangunan utama, terlihat ruang kerja yang berada dalam massa tersendiri di bagian belakang. Bisa diakses melalui sebuah innercourt dengan taman yang ada kursi dan meja outdoor. Menurut saya rumah ini sangat menarik, liveable, nyaman dan yang paling penting adalah konfigurasi ruangnya cukup baik.
Separated by the main building mass, is a workspace in a separate mass in the back. Can be accessed through an innercourt with existing garden chairs and outdoor tables. I think this house is very attractive, liveable, comfortable and most importantly is good enough spatial configuration.
Thank you contemporist
Thank you Elding Oscarson
by Probo Hindarto
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