When the land the house is too narrow to plant trees, do not worry, there is an effective way for those who enjoy the shade of trees around the house, which is to create a pergola with vines. One example of a favorite vines for areas with cold climates like mountainous area is grape vine. Vines can vary, for more details can be read on the book included in this post titled "Planting and Care of Ornamental Vine Plants" by Lanny Linga.
Potensi tanaman adalah sangat besar untuk lingkungan rumah, antara lain memberi suplai oksigen dan kehijauan yang dapat menentramkan, selain itu daun-daunnya bisa menyerap sinar ultraviolet yang dapat membuat udara makin panas. Permukaan tanaman menyerap panas dengan sangat baik dan karena itu berbeda dari tembok atau beton yang memantulkan sinar matahari kedalam bangunan.
Planting is very useful for home environment, among the benefits, is giving oxygen supply and greenery that can be reassuring, the leaves can absorb ultraviolet rays that can make the air hotter. Plant surfaces absorb heat very well and therefore differs from the wall or concrete surface that reflect the sun into the building.
The example above is a house design created by astudio, the home owners love the style of a 'rustic' house with a brick wall without plaster and with exposed concrete. In this design, we create a pergola above ordinary awnings, we can use hollow steel frames provided with wire mesh as a medium of propagation.
by Probo Hindarto
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