House design that considers tropical climate is the best house (in tropical climate area), and lately, exposed building materials (such as walls that are not plastered) is an option to show the texture of building materials and even beautify the facade of the house. This design combines design for tropical climates, as well as architectural elements combined with ethnic Balinese style.
Rumah ini mengadopsi beberapa unsur gaya dalam arsitektur tropis, seperti pendekatan perancangan modern dengan gabungan unsur arsitektur Bali dalam rancangan tampilannya. Mungkin hal yang menarik disini adalah lantai teras yang diangkat dan tidak menyentuh tanah seperti teras-teras biasanya.
Dalam desain ini, saya belajar banyak tentang 'keterbukaan' dan cara agar kita dapat menikmati alam sekitar, yang dipadukan dengan menikmati arsitektur rumah sehingga biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun rumah dapat menjadi efektif. Rumah ini didesain dengan sedikit ruang tidur, hanya 2 buah, dan bila dibutuhkan kelak sudah disiapkan dengan dak di atas kamar tidur yang ada saat ini. Tampaknya hal ini menjadi pilihan bagi pemilik rumah yang adalah pasangan muda.
This house is adopting some elements of tropical architecture style, like a modern design approach with a combination of Balinese architectural elements in the design appearance. Perhaps the interesting thing here is the terrace floor which is raised and not touching the ground as usual terraces.
In this design, I learned a lot about the 'openness' and the way that we can enjoy the surrounding nature, combined with the architecture of the house, so it will make the cost needed to build the house to be effective. This house is designed with a little space to sleep, only 2 bedrooms, and if needed later can be added. This appears to be an option for homeowners who are a young couple.
by Probo Hindarto
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