The house project for Mr Affandi and his familiy in Malang is a home renovation project to develop from one floor to two floors. In connection with the desire to add a room for a growing number of families, as well as the desire to increase the quality and appearance of houses. Some things like the need to remodel the bathroom layout and adding an open seating area at the rear of the house became part of the design of this house.
Bapak Affandi mengenal astudio dari buku yang saya karang berjudul 'Rumah Bergaya Mediterania dan Klasik' terbitan Media Pressindo. Dari buku ini Bapak Affandi mengenal karakter desain yang bisa saya buat dan kemudian meminta astudio mendesain. Karakter rumah memang tidak sepenuhnya bergaya klasik atau Mediterania karena sudah disesuaikan dengan kondisi tren saat ini.
Mr Affandi know astudio from one of the books that I wrote titled 'Mediterranean and Classical Style House' published by Media Pressindo Media. From this book Mr Affandi know the design character that I can make and then ask astudio to design his house. Character of the house was not completely classical or Mediterranean style since it has been adapted to current trends.
Jumlah keluarga yaitu sekitar 7 anggota keluarga karena ada pula dari sanak saudara yang menghuni rumah untuk kuliah di Malang. Hal ini menjadikan keinginan mengembangkan rumah jadi lebih leluasa sehubungan dengan kamar-kamar yang dihuni lebih dari 1 anak. Salah satu keinginan yang dicoba diselesaikan melalui desain adalah adanya taman terbuka di bagian belakang dimana ada keinginan dari keluarga untuk menjadikannya area bercocok tanam dalam pot dan hidroponik.
The number of family member are seven members because there were relatives who inhabit the house to have college in Malang. We have to develop the house more freely in relation to the rooms occupied by more than one child. One other wish to be completed by the design is an open garden at the rear top of the house where there the family can do farming and planting in pots and hydroponics.
by Probo Hindarto
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