Kondisi bangunan yang sudah dibangun terlihat seperti dalam foto dibawah ini.
Terlihat diatas, kondisi pembangunan yang masih dalam tahap pengecoran lantai 2.
Bagian depan rumah
Kami mendesain rumah dengan dua alternatif, dimana kemudian dipilih salah satu. Berikut ini dua alternatif desain tampilan rumahnya:

Alternatif 1
Pada desain alternatif 1 ini, desain menggunakan jendela besar pada bagian atas bangunan, dengan ada balkon beratap di bagian sisinya.

Alternatif 2
Alternatif 2 ini didesain dengan cukup sederhana, satu atap yang seperti payung di bagian atasnya. dengan balkon berpagar. Dibagian sampingnya, ada tembok yang diteruskan seakan-akan menjadi bagian dari bangunan, agar terasa lebih seimbang.
Dalam hal ini, ternyata pilihan desain kedua lebih diminati dan dipilih sebagai desain akhir :)
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: "House of Mr. Nayan. Fixing the house facade before it is finished"
The house design for Mr. Ahmad Nayan is located in North Sumatra, which is facade only design. That means, Mr. Ahmad Nayan just asked us to design the facade of the house, not the whole building. This is because, Nayan's house was already built one floor, but because he felt the design looks less aligned with his desire, he contacted astudio.
The condition of the building which was built to look like in the picture below.
[Seen above, the condition is still in development stage 2 foundry floor.]
[The front of the house]
We designed the house with two alternatives, which are then selected one. Here are two alternative display design house:
[Alternative 1]
At 1 this alternative design, the design uses a large window at the top of the building, with a roofed balcony on the side.
[Alternative 2]
Alternative 2 is designed with a simple, one-stop like an umbrella at the top. with fenced balcony. At the side, there is a wall that passed seemed to be a part of the building, so that was more balanced.
In this case, the second design option was more desirable and selected as the final design:)
by Probo Hindarto
© Copyright 2009 astudio Indonesia. All rights reserved.
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