[Inspirasi desain] Rumah ini didesain oleh Hugo Kohno, tergolong rumah kecil yang memanjang dengan ruang-ruang yang berderet seperti kereta api. Karena terbatasnya tempat, rumah dibuat 3 lantai dengan garasi penuh di bagian bawah. Didalam, tampaknya ruang terasa lebih luas karena memakai warna terang untuk interiornya.
The house is designed by Hugo Kohno, classified as small house with rooms that lined like a train. Because of the limited space, the house was made 3 floors with a garage full at the bottom. Inside, it seems much more spacious room with bright colors for the interior.

Also this house is not filled full floor, but there are mezzanine on 3rd floor so the view is more open and free. In addition, on one side, there are wide windows to make it felt wider because it connects the outdoor space visually. This house is an elongated small house design with modern look.
by Probo Hindarto
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